Friday, May 29, 2009

4 Days to Go

I don't know how many people actually read this anymore, but I felt the need for an update. I had a normal visit yesterday with my OB. While there, my blood pressure was elevated, my legs/ankles/feet were huge, and I had gained 6 pounds (mostly fluid) in a week. doctor was not happy with all of that and had me admitted to the hospital for tests and monitoring.

This morning, I was told that I had the beginnings of preeclampsia. You can look it up to know more (this is a pretty good site), but basically it is something in pregnancy that deals with edema (swelling), protein in the urine, and high blood pressure. It can lead to nerve damage and a lot of other bad things. People with diabetes have a higher risk of developing preeclampsia. But, like I said, I don't have full-blown preeclampsia, only a "touch" of it.

With all of that being said, I am scheduled to have Kara via c-section next Tuesday, June 2. I will be one day shy of 37 weeks. The main reason for the section is the baby's size. Yesterday at my appointment, the ultrasound measured her as already being 7 pounds 12 ounces.

Well, that is pretty much it! I may be posting a baby picture with my next update! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

35 Weeks...Almost

I'll be 35 weeks tomorrow, so I'm posting a day early, but...I just thought this was worth the post. We found out today that we will meet baby Kara on June 4th. My swelling is still a concern to my doctor and the baby has already dropped a good bit, so we're going to be induced at week 37. I went today to get a steroid shot and will get another one tomorrow. Basically, I am getting these to help make Kara's lungs more mature.

We're excited to have a day set and shocked that it is only about two weeks away. We have also been hit with the realization that we have so much left to do, but we'll pull together and get everything done!

Friday, May 15, 2009

34 Weeks

I get extremely tired lately and my feet/ankles/legs are still swelling, but other than that things are still going good. My doctor told me that she was impressed by my kankles; then she told me that she wasn't easily impressed. I'm not impressed at all! Try walking on feet that feel like they are about to burst open at any second!

Tuesday, my doctor also told me not to go back to work after Thursday. She wanted me to not go back at all, but I begged her to let me go until Thursday so my students would be finished with state testing. It was hard getting all the end of the year stuff done in two days when I thought I had over a week. I did a lot from home today, but now I can somewhat relax until I have to start getting things ready for next year.

We have had two great baby showers. The first was at church and then I had one at work. We still lack a lot of needed things off of our registry (Babies-R-Us Registry), but we have been blessed to receive a lot of great things! We have one more shower (my family/friends) Sunday.

We finished up our childbirth classes and took a newborn wellness class. We enjoyed them all, even though most people seem to not like going to them. We still do not have a date for when I will be induced. Hopefully, we'll get that at next Tuesday's appointment. Maybe my next post will include a date! :)