Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wall-E and the Fourth

wall-e 4

Amy and I went to see Wall-E Thursday. It was a super cute movie, but we both thought it was too long for a kids' movie. I can't imagine any kid being able to sit through the whole thing without getting restless. I'm glad I saw it, but I'm not sure about wanting to see it again.

American Flag

I hope that everyone had a great fourth of July! Lance and I had a quiet day. We just hung around the house, watching "What Not to Wear" and "King of the Hill" marathons on TV. We also ended up watching a movie later. Lance did get out and cut the grass before it rained, but I did not do anything productive other than cook breakfast and supper.

Tonight we're headed off to my aunt and uncle's house for a cookout. I have been wanting a hamburger, so tonight I'll finally get one! :)


Jennifer Burch said...

you mean lance watched that with you all day??? WNTW??? Jeff watches it with me sometimes but i don't know if he could stand a marathon!

Jennifer Burch said...

i love TLC!!! A lot of the shows here are scattered though and we are a week or 2 behind yall. I never know when things come on.. i hate that about living here (one of the things).