Saturday, April 25, 2009

31 Weeks and Counting

Things are starting to wind down! It's so hard to believe that I'm already in my 31st week. My doctor has told me that we will deliver two weeks early, so that means we'll get to meet our precious baby Kara in less than seven weeks.

I'm still going for weekly visits to my OB and still having an ultrasound and NST (non-stress test) done at each visit. Things are still right on schedule. Kara is in the 50-55 percentile as far as weight and size. Last time she was measured (almost 3 weeks ago) she weighed 2 pounds 15 ounces.

Lance and I started Childbirth classes last week. It was pretty interesting. Basically, last week's class introduced breathing techniques (we're supposed to be practicing before next class...haha) and a tour of the labor and delivery department at the hospital. We have two more class meetings to meet and then we'll probably be taking a newborn class. (As long as the classes are free to hospital patients...why not?)

We're having our first baby shower tomorrow. This is the church shower, and then Thursday we'll be having one at school. I'm excited about them! :)

I seem to be growing daily. According to the doctor, I've only gained about 18 pounds so far. Thankfully, it all seems to be in my stomach. The picture below is me at 28 weeks. I'll be putting an updated one up sometime soon.


Angela said...

Awww, you look so good Emily! I'm glad to hear everything is still going well. I had the ultrasound and NST every week after 30 weeks too. I LOVED them because I got to see our baby every week. =) And I LOVE the name!

Angela said...

Oh, i forgot to ask. Will they induce? That's what they did for me.

Emily said...

We're hoping that I'll be induced, but we're waiting until it gets closer to see if that will be possible.