Thursday, August 7, 2008


School started Tuesday for students and I am beat! It's so nice to know that tomorrow if finally Friday. As of now, I have 21 students. That seems to be a pretty good number (less would also be fine!) so I hope that it does not grow any more.

My uncle with colon cancer is doing great. I saw him Sunday for lunch at my parents' house (I blogged about that before) and he looked really good.

The other uncle that I blogged about got some pretty bad news. He went for tests in Birmingham yesterday and found that the cancer he had in his throat has spread to his abdomen. Because it has spread like it has, they will not be able to do surgery. From what I understand, he will be going next week to see if there is a treatment (like chemo or something) that will help.

Well, that's all the blogging that I have the energy for. Please continue to keep my uncles and their families (my families) in your prayers.