Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An Update (and Maybe a Name?)

Sorry for the lack of updates! Everything is going good as far as the baby goes. I went back to Jackson a few weeks ago for the fetal echocardiogram. Everything looked great and the cardiologist saw no reason to see me for a followup. I go next Tuesday to my OB for an ultrasound, so hopefully, I'll be posting a new picture soon!

Baby Girl may have a name now. She's had a name before we knew she was a girl, but Lance didn't want to settle on one so early (I'll blame it on him!). Maybe soon, we'll be letting the name be "set-in-stone" but for now, her name is Kara. I think that I would have a hard time calling her anything else!

In other news, I've been sick. Not to get into all the specifics because I know everyone else is suffering too, but I've had an extremely sore throat, cough, low fever, congestion (big time), headaches, body aches, a horrible voice, etc. I came home from work early Friday and spent almost three days in bed. I should have stayed home from work Monday, but the stubborn part of me made me go to work. Everything is getting better, but I still have coughing fits every time I lie down. That makes for a very hard time when trying to get sleep!

We had a good bit of snow Sunday, or so I've heard. I was so sick feeling that I couldn't have cared less about seeing it. By the time I finally got up to look it was almost gone. The next time I looked, it was gone. That's my kind of snow though..here for a few hours and then GONE.

My ankle is much better. It still swells up some every day, but the swelling is usually gone in the morning. I still have to be careful when I go down steps or inclines, but it rarely bothers me.

I started playing around on twitter.com. I was not sure if I would like it or not, but I think I do now. If you are on there, look me up! If you have been thinking about trying it out...go ahead!

Well, that's it for me. I am sure there are mistakes, but like I've said before...I am not writing an essay and looking to be published. Also, with me being sick and having the "pregnancy brain," you're good if you get anything from me at all! ;)


Anonymous said...

I like Kara. I know what you mean by having a name picked out...I've got mine all picked out....just no baby yet :) Take care!