We went back to the doctor today and everything is looking good. In this ultrasound picture you can see the baby's head. I think I can also see knees, eyes, and a nose. The heart rate was 175, which is really good. The baby is 1.93 cm. I was told that I needed to be gaining more weight...my doctor wants me to have gained 3 pounds by the time I see her again in two weeks. I have never been told to GAIN weight...crazy! ;)
I have been feeling good as long as I take my nausea medicine. I still feel waves of it coming on, but I don't get to the point of vomiting or anything. I'm tired all the time and have become a big fan of naps! Also, I have a due date of June 24, 2009.
One more thing... for all of us who know us, be sure to make guesses on our online baby pool at
I was sick for about 2 months with both of my kids. My pregnancy with Hayley was the worse! I stayed more sick and was more achy. It's good that you are getting so many pics of the baby! You will gain more weight after you get rid of the nausea i am sure! Drink lots of water too!
Have you tried the preggo pops? They are good for nausea. They sell them at Motherhood Maternity
Glad that you are feeling better. Yay for medicine!!! Keep us all posted on how things progress. Have fun gaining some weight! Good timing with the Holidays coming and all :) Take care!
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